American Rescue Plan

The American Rescue Plan Act

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 – the latest COVID-19 stimulus package – is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill. Within the ARP, the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund provides $350 billion for states, municipalities, counties, tribes, and territories, including $130 billion for local governments split evenly between municipalities and counties. There are two high level summaries of the bill available: Title by Title Bill Summary and State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Fact Sheet.

Fiscal Recovery Fund guidance for Indiana non-entitlement units

The first half of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) funds are ready to be distributed to the non-entitlement units of local government (NEU’s) in Indiana. Now, the question is, “how does my NEU go about requesting our allocated funds?” This article provides some additional guidance and clarification on the application process. The Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) has a section on their website titled, “American Rescue Plan – Non-entitlement Units.” Baker Tilly Municipal advisors has developed a webpage that includes links to all documents that are needed to apply for funding as well as additional information regarding the program and distribution of funds.

Aim Webinar: ARPA Funding – Timing and Process for Distribution to NEUs

Wednesday, June 30, 3:00 p.m. Eastern

Join representatives from Aim, Indiana Finance Authority (IFA), and State Board of Accounts (SBOA) on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. (Indy time) to discuss your community’s ARPA allocation amount, the information and documents each community will need to submit to IFA before receiving your first round of funding, SBOA Uniform Compliance Guidelines, and much more. In advance of Wednesday’s webinar, we encourage you to visit the IFA and SBOA websites to familiarize yourself with the available information.

This important session will review the steps you will begin immediately in order to receive your ARPA allocation for your community. This webinar pertains to NEUs, not communities with a population over 50,000 who will receive their ARPA funding directly from the federal government.

Aim Webinar: The American Rescue Plan Act – An Overview of the Department of Treasury’s Guidance

Join Aim and our special guest speaker from the National League of Cities, Mike Wallace, to receive a comprehensive recap of the American Rescue Plan Act and the specific guidance released recently by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.  Aim members will hear new information about their community’s Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Funds allocation and the important steps that must be taken before decisions can be made regarding any projects and programs.

As we monitor the evolving situation, Aim has gathered resources to provide you with helpful information as it becomes available. Please check back regularly as information becomes available. Further, please do not hesitate to send documents and links you believe would be helpful to your peers to Jennifer Simmons at We are happy to review them and determine if they are appropriate for this webpage.
