Newly Elected Officials Training

Newly Elected Officials Training

City and town elected officials truly serve on the front lines of our American democracy. It can be a challenging responsibility, particularly for those recently elected. Yet with the proper preparation and training, municipal officials can assume responsibilities of office, smoothly and effectively.

Every four years, Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (Aim) conducts Newly Elected Officials Training to provide basic information and tools for city and town officials, helping them manage their first weeks in office and build a foundation for a successful term. Four years ago, Aim’s Newly Elected Officials Training assisted more than 1,000 city and town officials. The 2019-2020 program, presented in partnership with Aim Medical Trust and Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC, benefited both municipal government newcomers and veterans alike.

There are three phases to the training program. Beginning with a day-long workshop offered in five locations across the state, Regional Training focused on the first weeks in office. Phase two provided specific training for mayors and clerk-treasurers. Mayors School happened during Regional Training and the Newly Elected Clerk-Treasurers Workshop was offered in conjunction with Boot Camp. The final component is Aim Boot Camp, a three-day intensive basic training for municipal officials.

General Information

Lesley Mosier
Chief Administrative & Development Officer
317-237-6200 x 223

Regional Trainings

Aim follows the election with regional trainings in five locations around Indiana. These regional meetings are perfect for council members, clerks, clerk-treasurers, mayors, and newly appointed officials looking to immediately prepare for their new assignments. These meetings are designed to offer information that is needed during the transition period and during the first days in office.

Mayors School

Mayors School addresses specific issues Hoosier mayors will face in the early days of their administration. This conference is the perfect balance of instruction and networking with peers, allowing plenty of time for asking questions and exchanging ideas.

Boot Camp

This multi-day conference kicks off with a full day of workshops for Clerks and Clerk-Treasurers, quarterbacked by the State Board of Accounts. The remaining days are geared towards all municipal officials, elected and appointed, to receive a well-rounded curriculum to help familiarize them with the issues they will face throughout their first year in office. This intensive conference is the largest gathering of municipal officials in Indiana every four years, drawing nearly 1,000 municipal leaders, state officials, private sector experts in local government and more.

Indiana Elected Municipal Officials Handbook

The Indiana Elected Municipal Officials Handbook is a 200-page reference guide published by Aim for city and town officials. The handbook reviews the structure and operations of city and town government, applicable statutes, and sources of state and federal programs. Each municipal official registered for Boot Camp will receive one of these coveted handbooks.

To order additional copies or to purchase access to a digital copy, please complete the Handbook Order Form.

Claims and Reimbursements Memorandum

Information on a municipality’s ability to cover costs associated with NEO training is available here.
