EDITORIAL Support HB 1002

Originally printed in the Princeton Daily Clarion on February 13, 2017.  To the Editor, Long-term infrastructure funding, perhaps the single most critical matter before our state legislature this year, has likewise been among the most urgent matters facing our cities...

EDITORIAL Support Road Funding Bill

Originally printed in the Times Sentinel, Letters to the Editor on February 8, 2017. Dear Editor: I know I am not alone in thinking there is opportunity for improvement in the condition of Zionsville’s roads and roads across the state. Even with the accomplishments of...

EDITORIAL Quality Crossroads of America

Our state and local roads and bridges touch the lives of most Hoosiers nearly every day and hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. What better statement to make to our taxpayers and our guests that Indiana takes care of our largest asset in an efficient and...

EDITORIAL Mayor’s Memo: Thinking Ahead

Originally printed in the Post and Mail on January 28, 2017.  As you know, there are many times where I use this space as an advocacy spot for or against legislation going through the Statehouse. Well friends, this is going to be one of those articles, so buckle up....
EDITORIAL Join Me in Supporting House Bill 1002