
We host workshops throughout the year as part of our mission to educate and inform our members.  Aim workshops are designed to give you insights into the selected topic and provide you the opportunity to have discussions with your municipal peers.

e-Workshop for City and Town Managers

Thursday, August 19
9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Eastern

Join us for the first Aim e-Workshop for City and Town Managers! This virtual workshop will take place on August 19 and will cover important topics such as corridor development, tree ordinances, business processes, and more! If you are unable to join us the day of the event, a post-event recording is available for later viewing.

Looking for a previous virtual workshop? 

MMI Credit for Webinars & Workshops

Participation in Aim webinars and workshops is eligible for Municipal Management Institute credit. The Municipal Management Institute (MMI) provides educational opportunities to Aim members, enabling them to sharpen their leadership skills, learn new techniques for tackling common local issues and improve services to citizens, while working towards their Certified Municipal Official status.

Thank you to our 2021 MMI Sponsors!
