Mayors Institute

Gain practical tools that you can apply to the real-life challenges you face as mayor. Mayors Institute is a high-level learning experience, designed exclusively for Indiana mayors, that we introduced back in 2009. In 2016, we kicked off a new partnership with the Indiana Communities Institute (ICI) at Ball State University that’s helped to make the program better than ever before.

By participating in the Institute, mayors will gain practical tools that can be applied to the real-life challenges public officials face on a daily basis.  During this day and a half program guest speakers and Aim staff will present an agenda of highly substantive sessions that will lead mayors through unique leadership and problem-solving exercises with their colleagues from across the state.  Featuring many opportunities for the sharing of innovative, effective strategies to run city government, Mayors Institute sessions are timely, relevant and essential.

Contact Us

Jennifer Simmons
Chief Operating Officer
317-237-6200 x 240

Lesley Mosier
Chief Administrative & Development Officer
317-237-6200 x 223

Participation and Recognition in City Leadership

All Indiana mayors are strongly encouraged to attend at least two Mayors Institute sessions each year.  Aim and the Indiana Communities Institute at Ball State University will award a Certificate of Achievement in three levels.  Achievement will be measured by participation and attendance at the Mayors Institute sessions. Additionally, mayors who have already reached Indiana City Leadership Ambassador status are now eligible for a brand-new level:  Indiana City Leadership Executive.

Certificates of Achievement


Certificate as an Indiana City Leadership Ambassador
  • Attend 10 two-day sessions
  • Press release and article distributed to local media
  • Certificate presented at city council meeting if desired


Certificate in Advanced City Leadership

  • Attend 6 two-day sessions
  • Press release and article distributed to local media


Certificate in City Leadership

  • Attend 4 two-day sessions
  • Press release and article distributed to local media

Becoming an Indiana City Leadership Executive

Once you’ve earned a Gold Certification and have been designated as an Indiana City Leadership Ambassador, you’re then eligible to earn the Indiana City Leadership Executive designation by fulfilling all the requirements in Part A below, along with one of the requirements in Part B.
Part A
  1. Completing six additional Mayors Institute programs, and
  2. Delivering a substantive topic presentation on a panel at one Mayors Institute program
Part B
  1. Delivering one substantive topic presentation related to Part A, No. 2 at an appropriate venue in their city such as a council meeting, service organization meeting, or economic development organization; or,
  2. Delivering one substantive topic presentation at an Aim statewide meeting; or
  3. Delivering one substantive topic presentation at a national meeting of municipal officials such as the National League of Cities or U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting Indiana City Leadership Executive Certification Form