
Educating and informing our members is at the heart of our mission. That’s why Aim hosts webinars on relevant municipal topics such as current legislative issues and cybersecurity. Each of these webinars is designed to keep you up to date on the subject matter and give you takeaways that you can apply in your municipality.

Upcoming Webinars

We Have a New Comprehensive Plan: Now What?

Tuesday, September 10, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Eastern
$25 Aim Members/ $55 Municipal Non-Member

Many communities are being proactive by adopting a new Comprehensive Plan or updating their old one. But in order to move forward, updates to their Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Control Ordinance may be necessary to put their plan into action. This session will discuss the importance of keeping ordinances current when planning for a community’s future.

Deborah Luzier, AICP, Senior Planner, GRW Engineering, Inc.

The Clock is Ticking: How to Avoid Unobligated ARPA Funds as the December 31, 2024 Deadline Looms

Thursday, October 17, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Eastern
$25 Aim Members/ $55 Municipal Non-Member

The American Rescue Plan Act, State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Program (SLFRF) has a final deadline for local units of government to “obligate” SLFRF program funds on December 31, 2024. We’re heading into the final weeks available to meet this deadline if you have remaining unobligated funds. This webinar will review eligible expenditures, and the most efficient methods to “obligate” funds under the U.S. Treasury’s 2023 Obligation Interim Final Rule to assist units in avoiding the disaster scenario of returning these critical funds to the U.S. Treasury.

CLE credit is pending for this webinar.

Dustin Meeks, Associate, Barnes & Thornburg LLP

Registration & Cancellation

Registration is available until 5 p.m. the day before the webinar; registrations after this time cannot be guaranteed. All webinars begin at the scheduled Eastern Standard time. You will receive email confirmations and reminders from Erin Jamison-Koenig or Zoom Webinar. Your confirmation email provides you with webinar access information.

You cannot cancel if you have signed up to attend a webinar. You’ll be invoiced and sent the recording and materials regardless of whether you attend the live webinar.

Looking for a previous webinar? 

The recording and materials from every Aim webinar is available.

MMI Credit for Webinars & Workshops

Participation in Aim webinars and workshops is eligible for Municipal Management Institute credit. The Municipal Management Institute (MMI) provides educational opportunities to Aim members, enabling them to sharpen their leadership skills, learn new techniques for tackling common local issues and improve services to citizens, while working towards their Certified Municipal Official status.

MMI Sponsors



