Municipal Management Institute

With more than 460 cities and towns as members, Aim is committed to supporting our state’s municipal officials and helping to shape Indiana municipalities of the future. We believe that one way to make government work better for the benefit of all Hoosiers is to provide relevant education on the best ways to manage a municipality. Our Municipal Management Institute (MMI) is a great example of the innovative, quality education programs we offer to municipal officials across the state. MMI workshops and webinars cover relevant issues and approaches that apply to managing any municipality.


Members who complete the MMI certification program directly impact their communities with the knowledge and experience that they gain. By attending these events, participants develop management and leadership skills and learn new techniques for tackling common issues and improving services for citizens, all while earning certification as an Aim Certified Municipal Official.

Eligible Aim events include hot topic workshops, webinars, and Early Bird workshops at the Aim Ideas Summit.


Aim offers a continuing education certification program. Upon completing twenty-four MMI courses, you become an Aim Certified Municipal Official. The certificate and award will be presented at the first Aim Ideas Summit ocurring after the twenty-fourth credit is earned. 

You can check your MMI status at any time by logging into your account. A copy of your transcript is also available by contacting Lesley Mosier at or 317-237-6200 x 223.


Elected and appointed municipal officials who are Aim members are eligible for MMI certification. Aim events are also available to other government and non-government attendees; however, they may not become certified.

MMI Sponsors



