For Immediate Release
December 20, 2018

Chris Wilson

LAFAYETTE, Ind. –Today Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative (RALI) Indiana announced a $50,000 grant to aid communities across the state in the fight against the opioid epidemic. The grant, awarded to Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (Aim) will allow Aim to create a new program that provides targeted community grants to individual municipalities. RALI Indiana also awarded 20,000 safe drug disposal pouches to Aim in an effort to curb unsafe disposal of unwanted prescription medications.

“Coordinating efforts among organizations and local leaders is a critical step in ending this crisis and establishing a safer, healthier future for the next generation of Hoosiers,” said Aim Chief Executive Officer Matt Greller. “The fight against opioid misuse needs to start locally to have a broader impact across our state and the nation. No city or town is untouched by this epidemic.”

City of Lafayette Mayor Tony Roswarski and the State of Indiana’s Executive Director for Drug Prevention, Treatment, and Enforcement, Jim McClelland, also attended today’s announcement.

“It is imperative that we come together as a community to combat the opioid epidemic. We are excited to partner with RALI and Aim in their efforts to eradicate the misuse of these drugs by bringing resources for our citizens to be informed and ready to actively fight the opioid crisis,” said Roswarski.

Launched in July 2018, RALI is a diverse coalition of business and community leaders, patient organizations and other health care stakeholders dedicated to finding and supporting solutions to end the opioid crisis. RALI Indiana has partnered with Aim to address opioid misuse across Indiana, committing to ensuring all corners of the state have access to education and necessary resources.

“Gov. Holcomb has called for an all hands on deck approach, bringing together all sectors to combat the drug epidemic,” said McClelland. “This grant provides additional resources to bolster education and prevention initiatives in municipalities across Indiana.”

For more information about RALI Indiana, the fight against Indiana’s opioid epidemic and how to safely dispose of unwanted medication, visit


RALI Indiana is an alliance of local, state and national organizations committed to finding solutions to end the opioid crisis in Indiana.  Partners of the coalition include:

  • Accelerate Indiana Municipalities
  • Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
  • Drug Free Marion County
  • The National Grange
  • Indiana Chamber
  • Indiana Manufacturers Association
  • Indiana Sheriffs’ Association
  • National Black Nurses Association
  • National Consumer League
  • Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
  • Professional Firefighters Union of Indiana
  • Trusted Mentors
  • Wellness Council of Indiana


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